Friday, 31 August 2012

Blimey! It's cold!

Last night was what Brian Gerald Tatum informed us was to be a "single digit temperature night." Gasp!
This just isn't right for the end of August!
With that knowledge, I adjusted my night wear accordingly.  My lovely hubby threw an extra blanket on the bed and plugged in the electric blanket.  As he scissor kicked his way to warmth on his side of the bed,  I slipped into bed fitted out in long socks and poncho.  Completely acceptable for bedtime!  He thought not!  It wasn't so much that I looked like a Mexican stableboy, but more that David hates socks in bed!  He hates the feeling of socked feet brushing up against him.  To him it's as stomach churning as fingernails on a chalkboard.
Needless to say, the socks were wrestled off my feet, but the poncho stayed.
And what would you know?!  Yak wool doesn't itch.

So I think I need an adult size sleep onesie, (Some places that sell them call them 'Funzees'. Oh ya!)  especially since we'll be moving back to Alaska, where cold winter's nights abound.
These are some options I found.

the Woman's Stripey Onesie

the snuggly Bunny Onesie

Spencer Hansen in Knit Bunny Suit
Blamo Toy Show at TAG
or get all cutesy with the Couple's Matchy Onesie

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