Wednesday, 1 August 2012

John & Yoko

I've had the boyhood thing of being Elvis.  Now I want to be with my best friend, and my best friend's my wife. Who could ask for anything more? 
John about Yoko

Obviously, it was a very negative thing for me to lose such a good partner. He was very good. He was a very strong and beautiful and protective force for me.
Yoko about John

Photographs of John and Yoko are probably my most favourite photos of couples (famous or not) of all time.  Their photos are intimate moments that we get to share in.  It's John and Yoko's love, joy, and comfort with each other that draws me in.  Their eyes are full of each other and I can't look away.  
John and Yoko
john and yoko
john and yoko
John and Yoko
John and Yoko. 
Yoko and John. <3
John and Yoko <3
John Lennon Bible: John and Yoko
superseventies:    John and Yoko
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
John Lennon and Yoko Ono
John, Yoko and Sean Lennon
Yoko and John. <3
Yoko and John. <3
yoko and john
John and Yoko.
John and Yoko
John and Yoko
Photos courtesy of Pinterest
Here's a cute article written by Yoko in 2011. 

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