Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Separation Anxiety

By moggierocket
Sometimes I feel like I might go carpet-eating-crazy because I miss my husband so much.  But then I get a hold of myself and think, 'It could be so much worse.'  I have so much to be thankful for. 
On the morning I left, David told me three things to keep the right perspective. 
1.  We live in a time where we have instant communication capabilities. 
2.  Neither of us are going to war. 
3.  We are both still alive. 
So basically, chin up, stop whining because it could always be way worse.  Of course being home with my family is the absolute best! Have you met my family?!  They are the best bunch of human beings on this planet!  

The other day I made up a little list in my head of my pros and cons of doing long distance again.

Pros of being 'single' again:
1.  I have the whole bed to myself.  Starfishing and scissor-kicking is limitless.
2.  I don't have to wait till he comes home late from work to eat dinner.  I can be self centred and feed my face at any time.
3.  There is no need to shave my legs.  I do not have to listen to complaints about how cactus like my legs are feeling.

Cons of being 'single' again:
1.  I have the whole bed to myself.  Starfishing and scissor-kicking is much more enjoyable with two.  I even miss his half asleep caged rabbit paranoia at every sound and movement.  I also miss his blanket thieving.
2.  Not having to wait till he comes home late from work to eat dinner.  I rather enjoy sitting across the table from that face.
3.  Having no need to shave.  I do enjoy the freedom of rampant leg hair, but then, without the nagging reminders to shave it gets to a point where I prickle and annoy myself.  (I did finally cave and shave and found a long blackish-green bruise on my leg that I hadn't been able to see before.)

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