Friday, 16 November 2012

Getting to Know You

David and I are always learning new things about each other and we will continue to surprise each other till the day we die. We've promised to not treat each other like 'nothing is new under the sun' and get so used to one another that we suffocate any room for newness.   There's something so lovely about marriage and having your husband or wife know  you better than anyone else, it's safe and it's home, so when he or she chooses to look at you with interest and longs to always be learning about what makes you, you, you're in something so so good.

Here are a few ways that we've been keeping things fresh and frolicsome in the Tatum home.  (We've done these this week.)

1. After dinner quizzes.  We each wrote down questions about ourselves with the answers and then checked to see if our answers matched, showing how well we know each other.  We learnt some more new things about each other (turns out my husband is quite the equestrian).

2. Scaring each other.  David loves scaring me.  The last few months he's been trying to see how much and how well he can scare me.  Now, I always enter each room in terror and quietly tell myself, 'steel yourself, this time he will not scare you!' but nevertheless he always scares me.  I'm getting better at scaring him and when I do, Oh, the joy of an accomplished terrorising!

3. Fake laughs.  Sometimes we'll sit and come up with fake laughs for different occasions or characters.     Pretty obvious that we are easily entertained.

4. Dance offs.  Yesterday I was cleaning and David was working on visa papers and I'd interrupt him constantly to dance.  I have no inhibitions when it comes to dancing.  Sometimes it's a little much for him to handle and I could see him getting a little sheepish, but then he got over it and we had dance battles.  Go have a listen to the Rizzle Kicks' 'When I Was A Youngster' and try not to smile and dance.  I don't think it's possible.

5. Running through piles of leaves and kicking them at each other.  England knows how to shed its leaves in autumn!

6. Walking and dipping into  hubs' coat pocket full of pistachios.  We scattered shells as we went or what we like to call  Hansel and Greteled our way around Wilford.  We spoke to each other in Hansel and Gretel accents.  Well, I didn't so much but David does an amazing Hansel that makes me belly laugh.

7. Making up raps to keep warm on a very cold walk.  You know those irritatingly catchy and popular songs that you don't like but end up remembering because it plays constantly on the radio? well, sometimes you can't help yourself but sing them and make up your own rap bits.  I think David will concur that I have a gift! Tinie Tempah who?!

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