Friday, 26 October 2012

HELLO, October 26th!

Photographs courtesy of Pinterest

I don't think I need to say much more!  In the Tatum home, we have all been excitedly counting down for today!  We have read every review, seen every promo and news bits in preparation.  David was looking over my shoulder as I joyfully sifted through numerous Skyfall and Daniel Craig photos for this post, shook his head over my unabashed appreciation, and rolled his eyes as I referred to these photos as 'woofy' (as in 'woof-woof'-- Don't ask me why but sometimes for fun a photo just deserves the sound of a dog.  It just feels right.)  Don't know about you, but I can't wait to go see 007, handsomely suited and coiffed save the world once again.  

My mum-in-law shared this with me.  So clever! 

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