Friday, 24 August 2012

August 23rd, Day of Horror

I was feeling pretty fresh and confidant after only a 10 hour flight from NYC to London.  I was terribly excited to see my husband and spend the rest of his off day together, but sometimes plans get ruined.  The ruiners--- the Immigration Officers.  My day felt very reminiscent of the Bridget Jones' Diary stuck-in-a-Thai-prison-under-false-accusations scene, just minus the Like A Virgin sing-along.   After a full day of questioning again, again, and then again,  fingerprinting, photo taking, tapping on glass to ask for water while sitting for over seven hours in a locked, shabby room weirdly 'decorated' with posters of superheroes, Bob Marley, Marilyn Monroe, and a tiger,  I was released with a stamp in my passport!  My immigration officer said as I was leaving, 'I was positive we'd be taking you to your flight back to Alaska tonight instead of letting you through.'  London showed me an ugly side yesterday,  I didn't like it much.  I am so so thankful to be here with my wonderful husband and in-laws! Being safely home again, I hope and pray for my new detention friend, Nigerian Margaret.  It was sad to leave and see her still there after a full night and day trapped in those walls.  For the young mum and her two little girls, all three with wide, scared, silent eyes,  I pray all of you have found your way home.
These 3 were waiting in the car for me, all day .  My husband is so beautiful! 

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