Thursday, 26 July 2012

Summer Craving

Summer has finally arrived in Nottingham, England! (*knock on wood*, *throw salt over shoulder*--don't want to jinx it) The days have been gloriously hot, the evenings, long, lazy and warm with dinners out in the back garden followed by evening walks and bike rides.... Delicious!
Nothing says summer like a fresh dish of guacamole!  I love guacamole and can eat it year round, but there's something about eating it under the sun that makes me feel instantly like I'm on holiday.
I found a recipe for 'Grilled Guacamole' that looks intriguingly delicious!  First chance I get I'm trying this out!  Check out the recipe here : Grilled Guacamole.
the little red house blog
photo courtesy of In the Little Red House Blog

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