e.e. cummings had it all wrong when he wrote,
if freckles were lovely, and day was night,
and if measles were nice and a lie warn't a lie,
life would be a delight...'
Freckles are lovely! Oh, Edward Estlin Cummings, how could you not know!
When I was a little girl and started to notice things like what shape my eyes were, how flat and chubby my nose was, I noticed that I had freckles. Winter kept them slightly faded and shadowy until summer came along to coax them out in full brilliance to lazily trail across my nose, cheeks and lips. People would say they were 'cute' and pretty girls would say, 'They're cute on you, but glad I don't have them.' So for a couple years I thought really pretty girls didn't have freckles and that their cuteness had an expiry date just like fat rolls on a baby's thighs. Of course all that is just silliness and doesn't matter one bit.
My mom is a gorgeous woman. I always tell her that when I grow up I want to look like her. I really doubt that will ever happen since we look nothing alike except for the freckles.
Summer has finally arrived in England and my face is in full bloom. I'm so happy to have them---my freckles, my little bit of my mama.
photos courtesy of Pinterest
You have pretty freckles.